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City Council Meeting - 08/03/2006
Auburn City Council
Meeting #39
August 3, 2006

Roll Call – Councilor Graney, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – Present. Councilor McNabb absent.

Staff Members Present –John Salomone, City Manager; Thomas Leone, Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel; Lisa Green, Comptroller; Gary Giannotta, Police Chief, Bill Lupien, Superintendent of Engineering Services, Frank DeOrio, Director of Municipal Utilities, Mike Long, CIP Manager.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.   

The Mayor asked for a moment of silence.  

Presentations and Proclamations – The Clerk read a proclamation to proclaim September 8 through the 15, 2006 as Joseph E. Rice Memorial Chapter #103 disabled American Veterans Forget Me Not days in the City of Auburn.  Mr. Richard Nash accepted and thanked the Mayor.

Richard Greeley, presented a power point presentation to discuss opportunities for the use of the Gorlov Helical Turbin (HGT) Hydro – Electric development along the Owasco River.  Council discussed.

Public Announcements – The Clerk read.

The Mayor thanked St. Peter and John Church for organizing the youth volunteers that spent the week in Auburn repairing homes and cleaning up neighborhoods.  

The Mayor announced that the Secretary of State would be in Auburn on Tuesday August 8th to discuss EPA Waterfront Revitalization grant announcements.

The Mayor thanked Governor Pataki for visiting the Seward House earlier in the week.

The Mayor announced the Penafeather Memorial Golf Tournament would be held on Friday August 11.

City Manager’s Report – None.

Public to be Heard
Jeff Hurnak, representing Time Warner in Syracuse commented on the recent transition Auburn cable subscribers would experience from Adelphia to Time Warner.  He explained that upgrades were scheduled and would be complete in January of 2007.

Carl Griffin, 9 Caitlyn St. spoke regarding his position on a casino locating in Auburn.

Earle Staring, 214 Woodlawn Ave. spoke in opposition to a casino.

Bob Hunter, 33 Gaylord St. spoke to council to wish them well in the search for a new City Manager and to wish out going City Manager John Salomone the best in his new position.

Councilor Smith reported that he would have an advertisement prepared by next weeks meeting to advertise for a City Manager.  There was a discussion of what needs to be done to appoint an interim City Manager and to find a permanent replacement.

Ordinances – First Reading

Ordinance # 12 of 2006 regarding Sewer Service Charges was pulled.

The City Clerk read Ordinance #13 of 2006 authorizing an amendment to the Code of the City of auburn Chapter 119 of  - Bingo and Games of Chance.

Sidewalk Resolution #173 of 2006 authorizing the financing of sidewalks for property owners to pay for in conjunction with their taxes on the 2006 Revolving Loan Sidewalk Program. Vote: Councilor Graney, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  Councilor McNabb absent. CARRIED.

Council Resolution #174 of 2006 approving the expenditures presented for payment and authorizing the Comptroller to process the payment of same. ~ Vote: Councilor Graney, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  Councilor McNabb absent. CARRIED.

Financial Resolution #175 of 2006 authorizing budget transfers within the 2005-2006 Operating Budget. Vote: Councilor Graney, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  Councilor McNabb absent. CARRIED.

Financial Resolution #176 of 2006 to amend the 2005-2006 Operating Budget. Vote: Councilor Graney, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  Councilor McNabb absent. CARRIED.

Land Sale Resolution #177 of 2006 authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all documents necessary for the sale of sale of 60 Chapman Avenue to Elizabeth Savage, 64 Chapman Avenue, Auburn, New York. Vote: Councilor Graney, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  Councilor McNabb absent. CARRIED.
Second Public to be Heard – None.

Other Business
Council discussed the reorganization plan.  The City Manager suggested they wait until an interim or permanent replacement is selected to begin discussion.

Mayor Lattimore commented on the Post Standard article regarding AIDA appointments.  

Council adjourned to Executive Session at 8:30pm and returned at 9:30pm.  

Council adjourned at 9:30pm.